Saturday, June 30, 2012

Those Moody Blues

While I was looking through photographs for this color post, I found it a little ironic I had so many shots with blue the central color...compensating for the lack of the hue in nature...possibly...

'Harring In Pieces'

' Waiting Memorial'

'Jacob's Ladder'

'Warm Wacker, Cool Chicago'

Late Lament

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day's useless energy spent

Impassioned lovers wrestles as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young

Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colors from our sight
Red is grey and yellow white
But we decided which is right 
And which is an illusion?
~Graeme Edge from the song Nights in White Satin

Friday, June 29, 2012

Pour Le Ballon rouge, avec amour...

I saw the 1957 French classic during my second time around at YMCA swim camp when I was 4...I've been enchanted ever since...I'm always on the lookout for lone balloons, they always manage to make me smile and wonder if they're on their way to meet an old friend...our take on the solitary balloon and then a clip from the wonderful original!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Things Looking Up

When it comes to finding little surprises in Chicago, look up...she will not fail you.

 James R Thompson Illinois Building*

*Architecture buffs find the Thompson Building marvelous...I suppose...even tho' I find it another example of tacky 70's design...but why I've included it in this post is because it's the first intentional lens flare I've captured...something I do enjoy creating.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hump Day & The Misplaced Memory Card

Grrr...I grow forgetful in my old age, and I'm behind in my editing; but thank God, "Tomorrow is another day!"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Prideful Faces

Folks, young and old; spectator and participant; all beautiful at the Pride Parade 24 June 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bringing Up Baby... a Howard Hawk's romantic comedy in which "gay" is used in reference to a homosexual in a movie for the first time.  That being said, here are a few shots of the floats...well more like what's happening on the floats...from yesterday's Pride Parade...more will be posted later in the week...or two...eventually...

 Local news anchor...and thus the 
main stream media remains it's neutral color  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Funnies: The World Is the Canvas

Um...does it really need a caption?

This week's bad joke:
What do you call a lion at the North Pole?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Things Looking Down

Mother used to say, "Don't look at your feet when you walk.  You're going to trip."  I say, "Look!"  You'd be surprised what you find.

Friday, June 22, 2012

GREEN As Islands In The Sea*

*from The Color Kittens (a Little Golden Book) written by Margaret Wise Brown

 "The Birches"

 Fence posts designed by Louis Sullivan

 Central Camera

Marshall Field's Department Store Clock
(Macy's took over the building a few years ago; 
nothing will raise the ire of a Chicagoan 
than to refer to MF's clock as  the Macy's clock)